What we will cover, bare necessities of course, A foundation in Structured Query Language (SQL), Basics of postgreSQL.Python, pyspark, ETL, preprocesing and post processing of data, powerBI
Upcomming workshops
What we will cover, bare necessities of course, IAM, s3, EC2,glue,lambda, EMR,Redshift,RDS, aurora
Upcomming workshops
What we will cover, bare necessities of course,Dashboards,SQL,DAX,services.
Upcomming workshops
We will cover bare necessities of course, java, beginners, intermediate, jdbc, servlets, jsp, spring, hibernate etc
Upcomming workshops
How to make remote controlled fans, switches, lights, human detection, robotic vehicles, gas detection devices, robots etc
Upcomming workshops
What we will cover, bare necessities of course,Building upon the foundations of the basic course, this course delves deeper into SQL concepts and introduces advanced topics such as
stored procedures,transaction management, indexes,constraints,functions, triggers, and window functions.
Upcomming workshops
Apart from this we have a wide variety of workshops in pharmacology
Upcomming workshops
Dive into the interesting world of vedic mathematics, Vedic Mathematics, an ancient system of mathematics with origins in the Vedas, offers a unique and elegant approach to solving mathematical problems. Unlike traditional methods, Vedic Mathematics emphasizes mental calculation, making it a powerful tool for enhancing mathematical abilities and improving speed and accuracy.
Upcomming workshops
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are revolutionizing the world. Are you ready to be a part of it? Dive into the exciting world of AI/ML and gain the skills you need to thrive in the age of intelligent machines. AI ML, a powerful tool for enhancing your career, understand the future of computing, dont be obsolete, learn by working on latest technologies
Upcomming workshops